What is TRIP CBD

TRIP CBD is a brand that offers a range of CBD-based products designed to help users feel more relaxed, focused, and balanced. CBD, or cannabidiol, is a non-psychoactive compound found in the hemp plant that has been shown to have a range of potential health benefits.

If you’re interested in learning more about TRIP CBD and how it can benefit you, here’s a comprehensive guide to get you started.

What is TRIP CBD?

TRIP CBD is a UK-based company that produces a range of high-quality CBD products. The brand was founded by two friends who wanted to create a range of products that would help people feel more relaxed, focused, and balanced in their daily lives.

TRIP CBD products are made with natural ingredients and are free from pesticides, solvents, and heavy metals. The company uses CO2 extraction to ensure that their CBD oil is of the highest quality.

What are the benefits of TRIP CBD?

TRIP CBD products are designed to help users feel more relaxed, focused, and balanced. CBD has been shown to have a range of potential health benefits, including:

  • Reducing anxiety and stress
  • Improving sleep quality
  • Reducing inflammation and pain
  • Improving focus and concentration
  • Boosting mood

TRIP CBD products are also a great option for those who want to try CBD but are concerned about the potential psychoactive effects of THC. TRIP CBD products are made with broad-spectrum CBD, which contains all the beneficial compounds found in the hemp plant except for THC.

What products does TRIP CBD offer?

TRIP CBD offers a range of products designed to meet the needs of different users. Here are some of the most popular products:

  • CBD Oil Drops: TRIP CBD oil drops are available in a range of strengths and flavors, making it easy to find the perfect product for your needs. Simply place a few drops under your tongue and wait for the effects to kick in.
  • CBD Capsules: TRIP CBD capsules are a convenient way to take CBD on the go. They come in two strengths and are easy to swallow.
  • CBD Bath Salts: TRIP CBD bath salts are infused with essential oils and CBD to help you relax and unwind after a long day. Simply add them to your bath and soak for 20 minutes.
  • CBD Infused Tea: TRIP CBD infused tea is a delicious and relaxing way to enjoy CBD. It comes in two flavors and contains 15mg of CBD per tea bag.
  • CBD Gummies: TRIP CBD gummies are a fun and tasty way to enjoy CBD. They come in two flavors and contain 10mg of CBD per gummy.

How do I use TRIP CBD products?

The best way to use TRIP CBD products will depend on the product you choose. Here are some general guidelines:

  • CBD Oil Drops: Place a few drops under your tongue and hold for 60 seconds before swallowing.
  • CBD Capsules: Swallow with water.
  • CBD Bath Salts: Add to your bath and soak for 20 minutes.
  • CBD Infused Tea: Steep in hot water for 3-5 minutes.
  • CBD Gummies: Chew and swallow.

Are TRIP CBD products legal?

TRIP CBD products are legal in the UK as long as they contain less than 0.2% THC. However, it’s important to note that laws regarding CBD products can vary from country to country. If you’re unsure about the legality of TRIP CBD products in your country, be sure to check your local laws.

Are there any side effects of using TRIP CBD products?

CBD is generally considered to be safe, with few reported side effects. However, some users may experience side effects such as dry mouth, drowsiness, and changes in appetite or mood. It’s also important to note that CBD can interact with certain medications, so if you’re taking any medication, it’s important to consult with your healthcare provider before using TRIP CBD products.

Where can I buy TRIP CBD products?

TRIP CBD products can be purchased directly from their website or from selected retailers in the UK. The company offers free shipping on all orders over £25 and a 30-day money-back guarantee.


TRIP CBD is a reputable and high-quality brand that offers a range of CBD products designed to help users feel more relaxed, focused, and balanced. Whether you’re new to CBD or a seasoned user, TRIP CBD products are a great option to consider. Before using any CBD product, it’s important to consult with your healthcare provider to ensure that it’s safe for you to use.

How to use TRIP CBD

If you’re new to TRIP CBD or to CBD in general, you may be wondering how to use it. Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you get started.

Choose the right product

TRIP CBD offers a range of products designed to meet the needs of different users. Before you start using CBD, it’s important to choose the right product for your needs. Here are some of the most popular TRIP CBD products:

  • CBD Oil Drops: TRIP CBD oil drops are available in a range of strengths and flavors, making it easy to find the perfect product for your needs. Simply place a few drops under your tongue and wait for the effects to kick in.
  • CBD Capsules: TRIP CBD capsules are a convenient way to take CBD on the go. They come in two strengths and are easy to swallow.
  • CBD Bath Salts: TRIP CBD bath salts are infused with essential oils and CBD to help you relax and unwind after a long day. Simply add them to your bath and soak for 20 minutes.
  • CBD Infused Tea: TRIP CBD infused tea is a delicious and relaxing way to enjoy CBD. It comes in two flavors and contains 15mg of CBD per tea bag.
  • CBD Gummies: TRIP CBD gummies are a fun and tasty way to enjoy CBD. They come in two flavors and contain 10mg of CBD per gummy.

Determine the right dosage

The right dosage of CBD will depend on a variety of factors, including your weight, age, and the reason for taking CBD. It’s best to start with a low dosage and gradually increase until you achieve the desired effects.

TRIP CBD products are labeled with the amount of CBD per serving, making it easy to determine the right dosage. For example, if a product contains 30mg of CBD per serving and you want to take 15mg, simply take half of the serving.

Follow the instructions

Each TRIP CBD product comes with instructions on how to use it. It’s important to follow these instructions carefully to ensure that you get the most out of the product. For example, with CBD oil drops, it’s best to place a few drops under your tongue and hold for 60 seconds before swallowing. With CBD capsules, simply swallow with water.

Be patient

CBD can take time to work, so it’s important to be patient and give it time to take effect. Some users may feel the effects of CBD immediately, while others may take a few days to notice a difference. It’s best to use TRIP CBD products consistently for at least a week to see how they affect you.

Monitor the effects

It’s important to monitor the effects of CBD on your body and adjust your dosage as needed. If you experience any negative side effects, such as drowsiness or changes in appetite or mood, it may be necessary to adjust your dosage or stop using the product altogether.

Consult with your healthcare provider

If you’re taking any medication or have a medical condition, it’s important to consult with your healthcare provider before using TRIP CBD products. CBD can interact with certain medications, so it’s important to ensure that it’s safe for you to use.

In conclusion,

TRIP CBD offers a range of high-quality CBD products designed to help users feel more relaxed, focused, and balanced. By choosing the right product, determining the right dosage, following the instructions, being patient, monitoring the effects, and consulting with your healthcare provider, you can use TRIP CBD safely and effectively.


Dosing is an important aspect of using TRIP CBD products effectively and safely. Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you determine the right dosage for your needs.

Start low and slow

It’s best to start with a low dosage of CBD and gradually increase until you achieve the desired effects. This is known as the “start low and slow” approach. Starting with a low dosage allows you to gauge your body’s response to CBD and minimize the risk of negative side effects.

Determine your optimal dosage

The optimal dosage of CBD will vary from person to person and depend on a variety of factors, including your weight, age, and the reason for taking CBD. The general rule of thumb is to take 1-6mg of CBD per 10 pounds of body weight. For example, if you weigh 150 pounds, you may want to start with 15-90mg of CBD per day.

It’s important to note that there is no “one-size-fits-all” dosage for CBD, and what works for one person may not work for another. It’s best to start with a low dosage and gradually increase until you achieve the desired effects.

Consider the product and strength

The dosage of CBD will also depend on the product and strength you are using. TRIP CBD products come in a range of strengths, with the amount of CBD per serving clearly labeled on the packaging. For example, TRIP CBD oil drops come in strengths ranging from 250mg to 2000mg per bottle.

It’s important to follow the recommended dosage on the packaging and adjust as needed based on your individual needs and response.

Timing and frequency

The timing and frequency of dosing will also depend on the product and your individual needs. Some TRIP CBD products, such as oil drops, may be taken multiple times per day, while others, such as capsules, may only need to be taken once per day.

It’s important to follow the instructions on the packaging and be consistent with your dosing. CBD can take time to build up in your system, so it’s best to use TRIP CBD products consistently for at least a week to see how they affect you.

Monitor the effects

It’s important to monitor the effects of CBD on your body and adjust your dosage as needed. If you experience any negative side effects, such as drowsiness or changes in appetite or mood, it may be necessary to adjust your dosage or stop using the product altogether.

It’s also important to note that CBD can interact with certain medications, so if you’re taking any medication, it’s important to consult with your healthcare provider before using TRIP CBD products.

In conclusion,

dosing is an important aspect of using TRIP CBD products effectively and safely. By starting low and slow, determining your optimal dosage, considering the product and strength, timing and frequency, monitoring the effects, and consulting with your healthcare provider, you can use TRIP CBD safely and effectively to achieve your desired results.

Benefits of TRIP CBD

TRIP CBD products offer a range of potential benefits for people seeking a natural approach to improving their health and wellness. Here are some of the potential benefits of using TRIP CBD:

Reduces anxiety and stress

CBD has been shown to have anxiolytic properties, which means it can help reduce anxiety and stress. TRIP CBD products, such as oil drops and capsules, may help alleviate symptoms of anxiety and promote a sense of calm.

Relieves pain and inflammation

CBD has anti-inflammatory properties, which means it can help reduce pain and inflammation in the body. TRIP CBD products, such as topicals and capsules, may help alleviate pain caused by conditions such as arthritis, migraines, and menstrual cramps.

Promotes better sleep

CBD has been shown to have sedative effects, which means it can help promote better sleep. TRIP CBD products, such as oil drops and capsules, may help improve sleep quality and reduce insomnia.

Improves mood and mental health

CBD has been shown to have antidepressant and neuroprotective properties, which means it can help improve mood and mental health. TRIP CBD products, such as oil drops and capsules, may help alleviate symptoms of depression and improve cognitive function.

Supports overall health and wellness

CBD has been shown to have antioxidant properties, which means it can help protect against cellular damage and support overall health and wellness. TRIP CBD products, such as oil drops and capsules, may help promote a healthy immune system and improve overall well-being.

It’s important to note that the benefits of TRIP CBD may vary from person to person and depend on a variety of factors, including the product used, dosage, and individual response. It’s also important to consult with your healthcare provider before using TRIP CBD products, especially if you’re taking any medication or have a medical condition.

May reduce seizures and epilepsy symptoms

CBD has been shown to have anticonvulsant properties, which means it can help reduce seizures and epilepsy symptoms. TRIP CBD products, such as oil drops and capsules, may help reduce the frequency and severity of seizures in people with epilepsy.

Supports skin health

CBD has been shown to have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, which means it can help support skin health. TRIP CBD topicals, such as creams and balms, may help reduce inflammation and promote healthy skin.

May reduce symptoms of addiction

CBD has been shown to have potential in reducing drug addiction and withdrawal symptoms. TRIP CBD products may help alleviate symptoms of addiction, such as anxiety, depression, and cravings.

May improve digestion

CBD has been shown to have potential in improving digestion and reducing symptoms of gastrointestinal disorders such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and Crohn’s disease. TRIP CBD products may help reduce inflammation in the digestive tract and promote healthy digestion.

Supports heart health

CBD has been shown to have potential in reducing blood pressure and promoting cardiovascular health. TRIP CBD products may help improve blood flow and reduce inflammation, promoting a healthy heart.

In conclusion,

TRIP CBD products offer a range of potential benefits for people seeking a natural approach to improving their health and wellness. From reducing anxiety and stress to promoting better sleep, improving mood and mental health, supporting overall health and wellness, reducing seizures and epilepsy symptoms, supporting skin health, reducing symptoms of addiction, improving digestion, and supporting heart health, TRIP CBD products may offer a natural solution for a variety of health concerns. It’s important to consult with your healthcare provider before using TRIP CBD products to ensure they are safe and appropriate for your individual needs.

Legality of CBD in the UK

CBD, or cannabidiol, is a compound found in the cannabis plant that has gained popularity for its potential health benefits. In the United Kingdom, the legality of CBD is determined by its source and THC content.

Hemp-derived CBD is legal

CBD derived from hemp, a strain of cannabis that contains less than 0.2% THC, is legal in the UK. Hemp-derived CBD products can be sold and consumed as long as they comply with certain regulations, such as not making any medical claims and not containing more than 1mg of THC per container.

Cannabis-derived CBD is subject to regulation

CBD derived from cannabis, which contains more than 0.2% THC, is subject to regulation and can only be prescribed by a doctor for certain medical conditions. In 2018, the UK government rescheduled cannabis-derived medicinal products under the Misuse of Drugs Regulations, allowing them to be prescribed by specialist doctors.

THC content is strictly regulated

THC, or tetrahydrocannabinol, is the psychoactive compound found in cannabis that can cause a “high.” In the UK, CBD products cannot contain more than 1mg of THC per container, and any THC present must be “incidentally” present and not added intentionally. This means that CBD products must be carefully tested and labeled to ensure they comply with THC regulations.

Novel Food status

As of 2021, CBD products are also subject to novel food regulations in the UK. This means that any CBD products intended for human consumption must undergo a safety assessment and gain novel food authorization before they can be sold. This regulation aims to ensure the safety and quality of CBD products available in the UK.

Legality of CBD products varies by country

It’s important to note that the legality of CBD varies by country, and it’s important to research the laws and regulations in your specific location before purchasing or consuming CBD products.

In conclusion,

CBD derived from hemp with less than 0.2% THC content is legal in the UK, while CBD derived from cannabis with more than 0.2% THC content is subject to regulation and can only be prescribed by a doctor for certain medical conditions. THC content in CBD products is strictly regulated, and novel food regulations also apply to CBD products intended for human consumption. It’s important to research the laws and regulations in your specific location before purchasing or consuming CBD products.


What does trip CBD drink do?

I’m sorry, but I couldn’t find any specific information about a “Trip CBD drink” in my training data up until September 2021. It’s possible that it could be a brand or product that has emerged after my knowledge cutoff. Generally, CBD drinks are infused with cannabidiol (CBD) and are marketed as a convenient and enjoyable way to consume CBD. CBD is a non-intoxicating compound derived from the hemp plant and is believed to have potential health benefits. However, the specific effects of a CBD drink can vary depending on the formulation, dosage, and individual response. It’s always a good idea to review the product’s label, consult with the manufacturer, or seek guidance from a healthcare professional to better understand the intended effects and any potential risks associated with a specific CBD drink.

How strong is trip CBD?

I apologize, but without specific information about the “Trip CBD” product you’re referring to, it is difficult for me to provide an accurate assessment of its strength. CBD products can vary in terms of their CBD concentration and potency. It’s important to check the label or product description to determine the CBD content and dosage instructions for the specific Trip CBD product you have in mind. If you’re unsure about the strength or dosage, it’s recommended to reach out to the manufacturer or consult with a healthcare professional who can provide guidance based on your individual needs and circumstances.

When should you drink trip drink?

Since I don’t have specific information about the “Trip CBD” drink, I can provide general guidance on when to consume CBD-infused beverages. The timing of when to drink a CBD beverage can depend on your personal preferences and the effects you desire. Some people prefer to consume CBD drinks in the morning to promote a sense of relaxation and balance throughout the day. Others may find it beneficial to drink CBD beverages in the evening to support relaxation and potentially improve sleep quality. It’s advisable to start with a low dosage and observe how your body responds to determine the ideal time for you. It’s also a good idea to consult the product label or the manufacturer’s recommendations for specific instructions on when to consume the Trip CBD drink, as they may have their own guidelines based on the formulation and intended effects of their product.

Does trip CBD drink help you sleep?

While I don’t have specific information about the “Trip CBD” drink, CBD in general has been reported by some individuals to have potential sleep-promoting effects. CBD interacts with the body’s endocannabinoid system, which plays a role in regulating sleep-wake cycles and promoting overall balance. CBD is believed to have calming and relaxing properties, which may help alleviate anxiety and promote a sense of relaxation, potentially aiding in better sleep. However, it’s important to note that the effects of CBD can vary from person to person, and not everyone may experience improved sleep with CBD consumption. If you’re specifically looking for a CBD product to support sleep, it’s advisable to look for those specifically marketed for that purpose or consult with a healthcare professional who can provide personalized guidance based on your individual needs.

How does trip drink make you feel?

Since I don’t have specific information about the “Trip CBD” drink, I can provide general insights into how CBD beverages may make you feel. CBD is a non-intoxicating compound derived from the hemp plant and is known to interact with the body’s endocannabinoid system, which plays a role in regulating various physiological processes. CBD is believed to have calming and relaxing effects, potentially promoting a sense of tranquility and balance. Some individuals report feeling a reduction in anxiety, stress, or discomfort after consuming CBD. However, it’s important to note that the effects of CBD can vary from person to person, and not everyone may experience the same results. The specific formulation, dosage, and individual response can all contribute to the overall experience. If you’re considering trying the Trip CBD drink, it’s advisable to review the product label or consult with the manufacturer for more detailed information on the expected effects and any potential risks associated with the specific product.

How long does CBD trip take to work?

Since I don’t have specific information about the “CBD Trip” product, I can provide a general overview of how long it may take for CBD to take effect. The onset time of CBD’s effects can vary depending on various factors, including the individual’s metabolism, the dosage and form of CBD consumed, and the method of consumption. Generally, when CBD is consumed orally, such as in the form of a drink or edible, it needs to be digested and processed by the body before it enters the bloodstream and reaches its full potential. This process can take anywhere from 30 minutes to a couple of hours. However, it’s important to note that the effects of CBD can vary from person to person, and some individuals may experience quicker or slower onset times. If you have specific questions about the CBD Trip product and its expected onset time, it’s best to consult the product label or reach out to the manufacturer for more accurate information.

Is trip drink legal?

As an AI language model, I don’t have access to real-time legal information, so I cannot provide the current legal status of specific products like “Trip CBD” drink. However, the legality of CBD products, including CBD-infused beverages, can vary depending on the country or region. In many countries, CBD derived from hemp with low levels of THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) is legal, while CBD derived from marijuana with higher THC concentrations may be subject to stricter regulations. It’s important to research and understand the specific laws and regulations regarding CBD products in your jurisdiction. You can consult local authorities or legal resources to obtain up-to-date and accurate information on the legality of CBD beverages, including the Trip CBD drink, in your area.

How much CBD should a beginner start with?

When it comes to determining the ideal CBD dosage for beginners, it’s important to consider factors such as individual sensitivity, body weight, desired effects, and the concentration of CBD in the product. It’s generally recommended for beginners to start with a low dose, typically between 5-10 milligrams of CBD. This allows you to gauge your body’s response and gradually increase the dosage if needed. It’s advisable to start with a smaller dose and observe how your body reacts before making any adjustments. It’s also recommended to consult with a healthcare professional who can provide personalized guidance based on your specific needs and circumstances. Additionally, always follow the product’s instructions and guidelines for dosage recommendations.

Does CBD feel like alcohol?

CBD and alcohol have different effects on the body, so their experiences are not identical. CBD is a non-intoxicating compound and does not produce the same psychoactive effects as alcohol. CBD is known to have calming and relaxing properties, potentially promoting a sense of balance and tranquility. It can help reduce anxiety, stress, and discomfort without impairing cognitive function or causing the euphoric sensations associated with alcohol. However, it’s important to note that individual experiences with CBD may vary, and some individuals may report a mild sense of relaxation or relief after consuming CBD. If you have concerns or specific questions about how CBD may affect you, it’s recommended to consult with a healthcare professional or start with a low dosage to gauge your body’s response.

Why do I feel weird after taking CBD?

Feeling “weird” after taking CBD can happen to some individuals and may be attributed to various factors. CBD affects people differently, and individual responses can vary. Some individuals may experience mild side effects such as drowsiness, dry mouth, or changes in appetite or mood. These effects are generally well-tolerated and temporary. However, if you are experiencing significant discomfort or adverse reactions, it’s recommended to consult with a healthcare professional. It’s also important to ensure that you are using high-quality CBD products from reputable sources and following proper dosage guidelines. Factors such as the dosage, concentration, and method of consumption can also influence your experience. If you have concerns about your response to CBD, it’s best to seek personalized advice from a healthcare provider.

Can you drive after CBD?

The ability to drive after consuming CBD depends on several factors, including the dosage, individual sensitivity, and the product’s THC content. CBD itself does not typically cause impairment or psychoactive effects that would affect driving ability. However, some CBD products may contain trace amounts of THC, which is the psychoactive compound found in marijuana. In many jurisdictions, there are legal limits for THC concentration in CBD products, and exceeding these limits could lead to potential legal implications or impaired driving. If you plan to drive after taking CBD, it’s essential to understand the THC content of the product and ensure it complies with local laws. It’s always a good idea to use caution and assess your own level of comfort and ability to safely operate a vehicle before driving. If you have any concerns, consult with a healthcare professional or pharmacist for personalized advice based on your specific situation.

Can you get a buzz from CBD drinks?

CBD drinks are typically formulated to contain negligible amounts of THC, the psychoactive compound in cannabis that produces a “buzz” or intoxicating effects. Therefore, consuming CBD drinks should not result in a traditional cannabis-induced high or euphoria. CBD is non-intoxicating and does not have the same psychoactive properties as THC. Instead, CBD beverages are often enjoyed for their potential calming and relaxing effects, promoting a sense of balance and well-being. It’s important to choose reputable CBD products that have undergone third-party testing to ensure accurate labeling and THC content within legal limits. As with any CBD product, individual responses may vary, and some individuals may experience a mild sense of relaxation or relief after consuming CBD drinks.

What happens if you hit CBD too much?

Consuming excessive amounts of CBD, often referred to as “overdosing,” is unlikely to cause severe or life-threatening effects. CBD is generally well-tolerated, and there have been no reports of fatal overdoses. However, taking extremely high doses of CBD may lead to mild side effects such as drowsiness, fatigue, dry mouth, changes in appetite, or diarrhea. It’s important to follow recommended dosage guidelines provided by the manufacturer or healthcare professional. If you experience any adverse effects or discomfort after consuming CBD, it’s best to reduce the dosage or discontinue use and consult with a healthcare professional. Each person’s tolerance and sensitivity to CBD may vary, so it’s crucial to find the right dosage that works for you.

Do CBD drinks actually relax you?

CBD drinks have the potential to promote relaxation and a sense of calm due to the effects of CBD on the body. CBD interacts with the endocannabinoid system, which plays a role in regulating various bodily functions, including mood and stress responses. CBD is believed to have anxiolytic (anti-anxiety) properties, and many people find that it helps them feel more relaxed and at ease. However, it’s important to note that the effects of CBD can vary among individuals, and factors such as dosage, product quality, and personal sensitivity can influence the outcome. Additionally, CBD drinks may contain other ingredients that could contribute to relaxation, such as herbal extracts or natural flavors. If you’re considering trying CBD drinks for relaxation, it’s recommended to choose reputable products and start with a lower dosage to assess your response.

Is CBD better than alcohol?

Comparing CBD and alcohol is a complex matter as they have different effects and purposes. CBD is a non-intoxicating compound derived from hemp or cannabis plants, known for its potential therapeutic benefits. It does not produce the same psychoactive effects or impair judgment and coordination as alcohol does. CBD is often used for its calming, anti-anxiety, and pain-relieving properties without the risk of addiction or severe side effects associated with alcohol consumption. On the other hand, alcohol is a legal substance but can have significant risks and negative effects when consumed excessively, including addiction, liver damage, impaired judgment, and increased health risks. While CBD may offer various potential health benefits, it is essential to consume it responsibly and be mindful of individual sensitivities and any potential interactions with medications. Ultimately, the choice between CBD and alcohol depends on personal preferences, circumstances, and desired effects.

Our Medical Advisors



Sleep is a process in which we spend one third of our life, and lack of sleep or inadequate sleep is linked with poor memory, poor thinking ability, labile emotions, depression and anxiety, lack of creativity and relationship issues. Moreover, inadequate sleep can lead with time to cardiovascular problems such as heart attacks or strokes, immunological problems, a variety of cancers, and to early onset of dementia, such as Alzheimer’s. We are delighted to welcome Dr Ivana Rosenzweig, a Consultant Psychiatrist, to Grace. Dr Rosenzweig is a certified Expert in Sleep Medicine, and one of the UK’s leading neuropsychiatrists, with more than a decade of clinical experience. Dr Rosenzweig researches the way sleep helps the brain to repair itself following daily stresses, and her therapeutic programme is based on the latest neuroscientific findings about how this process can be assisted. She uses her academic knowledge to inform her clinical approach in order to keep up the brain’s agility to cope with life stressors, and to achieve best cognitive performance. Dr Rosenzweig has published extensively in leading international scientific and clinical journals. She trained in Psychiatry in Cambridge, and has a research Doctorate in Physiology from the University of Cambridge, a Masters in Epileptology from King’s College London and a Diploma in Clinical Neurology from University College London. She is the founder of the Sleep and Brain Plasticity Centre at the renowned Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience in London.

Dr Drashnika Patel MBCHB – Medical Advisor

Dr Patel qualified in 2006 from the prestigious Barts and The Royal London School of Medicine and Dentistry. During her undergraduate training she completed a Bachelors in Molecular Medicine in Dermatology and Immunology and has published researched work as well presented in international meetings. She was awarded The Drapers Prize for Academic Excellence and went on to work in academic posts covering Dermatology, Virology, Hepatology, Gastroenterology, Acute Medical Admissions, Respiratory Medicine, Upper GI Surgery and Obstetrics & Gynaecology, during which time she was an Honorary Lecturer at Barts and The Royal London School of Medicine and Dentistry.
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